Special Sets
Special Sets Subcategories
Hidden Arsenal
Dragons of Legend - DRLG
Dragons of Legend 2 - DRL2
Dragons of Legend: Unleashed - DRL3
Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series
Dark Saviors - DASA
Duel Terminal
Pendulum Evolution - PEVO
The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (Secret Edition) - MVP1-ENS
The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (Gold Edition) - MVP1-ENG
The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack - MVP1
Number Hunters - NUMH
Duelist Saga - DUSA
The Secret Forces - THSF
High-Speed Riders - HSRD
Wing Raiders - WIRA
Ancient Guardians - ANGU
King's Court - KICO
Tactical Masters - TAMA
Magnificient Mavens - MAMA
Destiny Soldiers - DESO
Fusion Enforcers - FUEN
Shadows in Valhalla - SHVA
Hidden Summoners - HISU
The Infinity Chasers - INCH
Fists of the Gadgets - FIGA
Mystic Fighters - MYFI
Toon Chaos - TOCH
Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge - BLLR
Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge - BLRR
Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge - BLHR
Battles of Legend: Armageddon - BLAR
Brothers of Legend - BROL
Battle of Legends: Crystal Revenge - BLCR
Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge - BLMR
Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge - BLTR
Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 - BLC1
Crossover Breakers - CRBR
Rarity Collection II - RA02
Quarter Century Bonanza - RA03
Spirit Warriors - SPWA
Wild Survivors - WISU
Grand Creators - GRCR
Amazing Defenders - AMDE
Duel Overload - DUOV
Secret Slayers - SESL
Genesis Impact - GEIM
World Superstars - WSUP
Valiant Smashers - VASM
Maze of Millennia - MZMI